Erin's Own

Services you can Trust






This Page covers the 12 - Hour Paediatric First Aid Course meeting the requirements of Ofsted & CSSIW, as well as a 4 - Hour Emergency Paediatric Course for those assisting in child care settings.


In their introduction in their publication 'Guidance on First Aid for Schools,  the Department of Education and Employment state:


"First-aid provision must be available at all times while people are on school premises, and also off the premises whilst on school visits".


 The Department for Education and Employment publication goes on to identify:


"Who is responsible for First Aid in Schools?



The Employer 

Health and safety legislation places duties on employers for the health and safety of their employees and anyone else on the premises. In schools this includes responsibility for the head teacher and teachers, non-teaching staff, pupils and visitors (including contractors). Who the employer is depends on the type of school. For

example:EA i

mployer in county, controlled and special agreement schools, and in pupil referral units;


  • The owner or the trustees are the employers in some independent schools.

The employer is responsible, under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWA), for making sure that a school has a health and safety policy. This should include arrangements for first aid, based on a risk assessment of the school, and should cover:


1.       Numbers of first aiders/appointed persons;

2.       Numbers and locations of first-aid containers:

3.       Arrangements for off-site activities/trips;


4.     Out of school hours arrangements e.g. lettings, parents evenings.

Guidance on First Aid in Schools, D.E.E. (1998). 

It is the employer's responsibility to make sure that the statutory requirements for provision of first aiders are met, that appropriate training is provided and that correct procedures are followed. The employer should be satisfied that any training has given staff sufficient understanding, confidence and expertise





Paediatric First Aid & Epi-Pen

(12 Contact Hours)

This course exceeds the "Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales" (CSSIW) as well as "Ofsted" Requirements for Paediatric First Aid Training in Child Care Settings.


If you are involved in early years learning in England or Wales, your organisation should have people appropriately trained in paediatric first aid. To comply with current guidance, you should attend a paediatric first aid course of not less than 12 hours duration.


We provide this 12-Hour course that ensures you meet the requirements of your registration as an early years provider as well as ensuring you receive the training required to deal with young children in an emergency situation.


The course covers procedures for attending to injuries or illnesses more likely to be encountered in the pre-school or school setting. Both life threatening and less serious first aid needs are covered.


The 12 hour course covers:-


  • Assessment of Danger
  • Anatomical difference between children and adults
  • Basic Life Support - including -CPR, Recovery Position, Choking
  • Head Injuries
  • Meningitis
  • Asthma
  • Febrile Convulsions
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Burns and Scalds
  • Eye Injuries
  • Shock
  • Bleeding & Bandaging
  • Fractures
  • Electric Shock
  • Anaphylactic Shock & Epi-Pen
  • Drowning
  • Hanging
  • Requirements of a First Aid Box
  • Parental Administration of  Medicines
  • Optionally we can add a module to train the person in Automatic External Defibrillation


Training for the Adult, Child and Infant course can be delivered on your premises,

or at a location provided by us


This course would be invaluable for:-


  • Registered Child minders, Nannies & Babysitters
  • Teachers (Nursery, Primary and Junior)
  • People working with or interested in working in the field of childcare, or anyone with a professional or non-professional responsibility for children.





Assessment and Certification:


This course is continually assessed. On Successful completion of the course, Students receive a Certificate for this 12-Hour Paediatric First Aid Course, valid for 3 years.



Course Cost:


 Please contact us for pricing


For a group of 12 candidates, we will offer a group discount


This is for courses run at your own venue. We will happily quote for external locations.





To find out the availability of courses please contact us on the following:


Office Contact: 01277 373864  Mobile Contact: 07836 208938






Paediatric Emergency First Aid

(4 Contact Hours)



If you are involved in early years learning in England or Wales, your organisation should have people appropriately trained in paediatric first aid. To comply with current guidance, you should attend a paediatric first aid course of not less than 12 hours duration. These staff may require support from temporary or part time workers, students on placements and parents or grandparents working as helpers


Erins-Own recognise that it is not always possible to have all staff and helpers attend the

12-Hour course. We have designed this 4-Hour Emergency Paediatric Basic Life Support and First Aid Course that ensures all of your temporary staff and helpers can receive appropriate training enabling them to deal with any life threatening emergency and assist the registered First Aider where required. This allows more flexibility in your child care setting.


The course covers procedures for attending to injuries or illnesses more likely to be encountered in the pre-school or school setting. Both life threatening and less serious first aid needs are covered.



The 4-hour course covers:-


  •  Assessment of Danger
  • Anatomical difference between children and adults
  • Basic Life Support - Resuscitation
  • Recovery Position
  • Head Injuries
  • Choking
  • Meningitis
  • Asthma
  • Febrile Convulsions
  • Burns and Scalds
  • Bleeding & Bandaging
  • Fractures
  • Requirements of a First Aid Box
  • Parental Administration of  Medicines  

Training for the Adult, Child and Infant course can be delivered at our training centre, or on your premises, subject to availability.


This course would be invaluable for:-


·         Assistant Child minders, Nannies & Babysitters

·         Teachers (Nursery, Primary and Junior)

·         Parent and Grand-parent helpers

·         People working with or interested in working in the field of childcare, or anyone with a professional or non-professional responsibility for children.

·         People who are required to provide assistance to the Qualified First Aider



Assessment and Certification:


This course is continually assessed. On Successful completion of the course, Students receive an emergency paediatric emergency first aid certificate valid for 3 years





Course Cost:


 Please contact us for pricing


For a group of 12 candidates, we will offer a group discount


This is for courses run at your own venue. We will happily quote for external locations





To find out the availability of courses please contact us on the following:


Office Contact: 01277 373864  Mobile Contact: 07836 208938

